

Any chance to get more Brood army builders is a good thing. And since the variant was a Brood infected Wolverine, the regular non-variant of this wave is Wolverine in his brown costume. Be sure to check the previous review for info on Brood but let’s see how this Wolverine measures up to past releases.



The box is the new expanded window box so you can see both characters along with the accessories in the middle. The character names and control art bust shots are below the windows. The sides have individual control art of each character. On the back are the mini-bios of each character along with group picture of all figures in this wave. 


The Figure


Ah, brown costume Wolverine, he’s a popular character and this seems to be a fan favorite outfit. I’m getting a sense of deja vu here (~flashback to TRU wave 9~) … yep that would be why. I was kinda harsh on him last time; let’s see if this one is an improvement.


His mask is better as it’s much more akin to recent versions than the narrow one seen on the TRU9 release. Paint apps are ok with slight bleeding on the mask but with his masks this is usually the trend. This version sports a brighter yellow color, while it’s not my favorite it does help the details stand out better. Underneath his mask they did a good job with facial details. His expression is not as intense as we’ve seen before nor is it that calm; it’s just a decent in between look. Included is a familiar hairpiece for him and bonus of mask that can hang from back of his neck. It’s the same one we got in the last brown costume release just with the brighter yellow colors.


The rest of his body again is similar to previous releases just with brighter yellow and they did a better/sharper job with muscle details. One item to point out is excellent sculpt with his claws, by far this has to be the best one we’ve seen released (well this and Brood Wolverine’s claws). I still think his belt cover makes him too bulky that he would be better off with the details right on his waist piece.


Besides the extra mask hood there are no accessories for him. A Wolverine is a Wolverine so he has good parts for customizing. Even just having those claws to mix and match with other figures is a bonus.


So here’s the hard part: the score. He is improved but still doesn’t seem like we have a perfect version yet. This version has some high marks for claws and sharpness of details however still falls short in overall completeness of look. But until they start releasing individual packs of non-movie army builders, if you want a Brood you’re going to have to get a Wolverine too.


MMC Score – 7 out of 10


Review and pictures by Lurch77

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