
Now listen up, here’s the story, about a little guy who..isn’t content to let Smashmaster have all of the War Machine fun this week.  So, yeah, I’m pulling out an MCU set of my own, going back to Iron Man 3 for a look at War Machine and pack-mate Maya Hansen!

The Packaging

These figures used the expanded window styling of packaging.  Thematically, they fit well with the whole Iron Man thing, and matched the established IM3 branding.  The branding seems to have worked out better here than on some of the others, as it’s still quite eye-catching.

The Figures

War Machine

The actual War Machine armor doesn’t appear in Iron Man 3 proper, but it did figure prominently into the merchandising, and has a somewhat minor role in AoU. It’s just the same as his Iron Patriot armor, but done up in his more traditional War Machine colors.

Structurally, this figure’s the same as the Iron Patriot ‘mate. He’s got add-ons for the helmet, torso piece, waist, upper arms, boots, and gloves. I thought the armor looked just a bit pudgy on that figure, and I still feel that’s the case here, but it’s not horrible at all.  I think it’s really the helmet that throws it off.

His paint is pretty decently handled.  I do quite like the Air Force linsignias from the gloves, and his facial likeness works pretty well for Cheadle.

War Machine includes the usual clear display stand.

War Machine is a sensible case for parts re-use, and is a pretty solid figure.  Of course, he’s a little harder to like in light of the three almost identical releases we’ve gotten since, but that’s hardly this figure’s fault.

MMC Score — 8 out of 10

Maya Hansen

Maya was a moderately prominent character in the comics, especially at the time of the Extremis arc, so she was a sensible choice for the movie.  Of course, she doesn’t really do a whole lot in the movie, but as Extremis’ creator, I think she earned her spot here.

She has three add-on pieces, one for her hair, one for her skirt, and one for her purse.  All three parts are re-used, but they work for her look, so its sensible.  They’re well-sculpted, and the hair in particular is one I quite like, so I’m always down for seeing it crop back up.

Maya’s paintwork is solid work.  It’s clean, and she’s actually rather colorful for a civilian.  The funky pattern on her skirt certainly helps things.  Her likeness is actually a pretty surprising match for Rebecca Hall, especially given how simple it is, but it turned out quite well.

Like Rhodey, Maya’s only accessory is a clear display stand, but I’m not sure what else she could have been given.

Maya’s far from the most thrilling figure in the set, but she’s also not the most boring, so she exists in a nice middle ground.

MMC Score — 7 out of 10

Agree? Disagree? Why not vote for yourself below, or comment further over at the Minimate Multiverse MMC Review Forum.

Review and pictures by Glantern

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