Boy, I’m stuffed! Mmmm, that was tasty, who’s up for seconds/thirds?? Stay Puft looks happy now … and HUGE!! What did he eat; well, more like what didn’t he eat?
Yes, this vinyl is giant; 24 inches tall. Its body has the same sculpt as the 8 inch one just larger. And this version is the happy faced Marshmallow Man taking a leisurely stroll through the streets of NYC. DST also makes a large angry version too.
His slot for the bank is in the same spot on his back and the same size fitting up to a half-dollar coin. Instead of his head coming off there is a turn plug at the bottom to get the money out. Sadly this takes away the one point of articulation. Honestly, this is a giant piggy bank, you don’t really expect piggy banks to have articulation. You can see where the arms and legs are attached to the body yet it’s hollow throughout so coins can fill up the arms, legs and even his head if you flip him over. Inside he’s pretty roomy and arms and angled in a good way so not much worry for stuck coins. He’s heavy (not extremely since he’s hollow) so his big feet provide a sturdy base so he doesn’t tip over too easily.
Paint apps are top notch. It is amazing how the blue highlights really sell how much he looks like a bunch of marshmallows stacked together. And he has such a jovial look with big happy eyes; you just want to give him a hug! Check out the hands, such detail and big enough to hold one of the Ghostbuster crew in the palm of his hand.
Scale wise this is a bit closer to how it was in the movie. He was exactly 112.5 feet and the Ghostbusters averaged just over 6 feet. So going by a 2 inch minimate to be precise DST would need to make a 3 1/2 foot vinyl bank version. For me the 2 foot version works just fine!
Be sure to check out the entire collection of Ghostbusters vinyl banks that DST has to offer. And we here at Minimates Central hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!
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