

Disclaimer: Remember when the Punisher and Wolverine reached over-saturation point in the 90’s? Well – now it’s Deadpool’s turn.


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Wave 65 is all about Deadpool, so it’s probably to be expected that the packaging is running with a red and black theme.
Each pack contains a Deadpool (remember how the disclaimer), and to DST’s credit, they’ve managed to find 4 reasonably different looks for Deadpool, so that we don’t see the same figure in every pack.
DST has the packaging pretty much set now, but there is a small departure in this wave; the bios on the back are a little bit quirkier than usual. They’re not quite ‘written by Deadpool’, but they are a good deal more humorous than the standard bios. It’s a fun little touch that helps add to the character of the wave. I believe we have Zach to thank for these.


The Figures

Secret Wars Deadpool


So, the most recent Secret Wars story line saw Deadpool take part in the 1984 Secret Wars…. because he’s quirky like that.
Deadpool’s suit during this arc was pretty close to his usual suit, except that he used Daredavil’s ‘DD” logo on his chest, but turned it into a ‘DP’. The logo on his chest, as well as all his chest details are really nicely applied. They’re crisp with little to no paint slop. The same can be said for the detailing on his arms and legs.
Deadpool has a pair of buccaneer boots and flared gloves on, which are comic accurate. He’s also got a logo belt with gun holsters. In Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars, his belt was depicted as brown, but DST have gone with yellow. I’m not particularly attached to the look, so i don’t mind the yellow belt. In fact, i actually like the choice of a brighter, more toyetic colour – but purists might be put off by this.
His slip-over mask is great. The black and grey shading around the eyes is crisp and beautifully handled. It might be one of the best slip on masks for Deadpool yet. Overall, DST have done a really nice job on this look.

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In my opinion, Deadpool’s SW costume in and of itself is probably not worth a release, but as usual, DST knows how to pack in the extras.
During the course of this story, Wade was miraculous cured of his dermatological issues and became handsome. However, as the story is set in the 80’s, he becomes 80’s handsome. Underneath the slip cover mask is a blonde, smiling, moustachioed bit of man candy. DST have also packed in a wind-swept blonde hair piece, and a buff, hairy, shirtless torso piece so that you display healed Wade in all his 80’s handsomeness. He looks like like a cross between Anchorman, Magnum P.I. and an 80’s adult film star. What’s more – it’s all comic accurate.
Deadpool also comes with twin katanas, twin pistols and a clear stand.

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Secret Wars Deadpool is not a character i’d ever really thought i’d need, but DST have found a way to value add to a character that long-time collectors might have not really wanted.
I can’t really think of anything that could be added that would improve on this figure. He is close to perfectly executed, even if some collectors see him as ‘another Deadpool’.

8 out of 10


MMC Score – 8 out of 10


X-Force Siryn


With the release of Banshee in Wave 60, it seemed like it would be just a matter of time before we saw his daughter Siryn get released. 5 waves later, and here she is. The pairing of Siryn and Deadpool makes sense. The two have some over-lapping history and even have shared romantic past.

‘X-Force Siryn’ helps to narrow down which version of the character we’re getting. It also gives fan-boys like me hope that we might one day see ‘X-Factor Investigations Siryn’ (along with the rest of the X-Factor team).This is probably her most well known look. It’s the costume she wore during the Capullo run on X-Force in the 90’s. So, not only are we getting a character important to the history of Deadpool here, but we’re also getting one character closer to rounding out a team that has been crying out for completion (C’mon, DST! Won’t you release a Capullo Sunspot & Warpath 2-pack? Pretty please?!?!)

Siryn’s hair is a reuse of the recent Disco Dazzler piece from the Secret Wars wave. It’s a perfect fit for Theresa and great parts re-use. The whole figure is parts re-use, but it works perfectly. The cape is originally from Photon minimate in the Secret Wars box set. It worked almost perfectly for Banshee, and it does so again here.
Wow – all these re-used Secret Wars parts make it seem like DST are actually trying to tie 90’s Siryn to SW Deadpool. Coincidence? Or meta, 4th-wall-breaking, toy design?

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The paint work on the figure is pretty good. Her trademark green and yellow are both vividly present here. The chest detailing is clean and crisp. There’s a tiny bit of paint slop here and there, but nothing major. DST have gone with sculpted wrist and leg straps, which i believe were first used with 90’s Cyclops in Wave 34. They were pretty common feature on x-characters in the 90’s, and they are the right choice again here. I think they look nicer than they would if DST had just been painted them on.

Everything on the figure is accurate and well executed, but i think the face is where she really excels. She her green eyes scowl at you as her furled brow shows you that she is not happy. Her mouth is wide open, showing you that she is letting out one hell of a howl. She’s angry, and she’s using her sonic powers to let you know about it. On top of that, she has freckles! Just like a fair, Irish red-head ought to.
I’ve criticised DST in the past for releasing too many female characters with passive faces. It’s not a DST problem. Most toy companies make their females look sexy, smiley or totally neutral. These are superheroes, though. They are tough women and sometimes, they should have tough expressions on their faces. Siryn does not disappoint. You can see how ticked off she is, and it’s awesome. Well done DST. You have really nailed it.
Siryn comes with a regular stand, flight stand, and a sonic scream accessory. It’s the same one we saw with Banshee, that was originally used for Outback Havok. If i had to niggle, the pieces have a slight, cloudy tint. I think they’d be better if they were clearer, but it’s not going to bother many people.
My figure also had slightly loose leg joints which made her a little difficult to pose. A little adhesive tack helped solve that, though.


DST could have maybe included an alternate head, but frankly – i would never display here with anything other than the one that is included here. Let’s hope the rest of X-Force aren’t far behind, and that they are executed as well as Siryn is.


9 out of 10.

MMC Score – 9 out of 10.



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Review and pictures by Nessex.

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