Ah, the good old days. This set was one that you could find in one of Target’s many toy aisles. Yes, the Target you might go to for groceries now and again. Back in 2006, it wasn’t uncommon for sets like this to be available in their stores as well as Walgreens and some other place in our local mall that neither me nor my mother, who took me to said store to get ‘mates regularly as a little fella, can remember what was called. Nevertheless, this is one of my favorite sets from these Target waves, partially due to the focus on the Marvel Knights line of characters and its connected aesthetic. Both Ghost Rider and Daredevil definitely deserved better than they had at this point, so this set was due doubly so.
The last of the Marvel ‘mates in 2017 as well as one of the last Toys R Us sets being part of the last wave actually sold at TRU, Wave 25 marked the end of an era gone by too soon. On top of ending a unique Marvel wave that covered more ground then many of the regular waves combined, the series ended with the closures of the TRU stores, a staple of many childhoods, including my own.
One of the leading Avengers is finally getting her own movie! Despite being delayed to Summer 2021, the Minimates can already be picked up at Walgreens. Check it out!
Marvel Minimates Wave 57’s tie-in with Guardians of the Galaxy gave us the whole main team, in one small, concise package… mostly. In order to aid with this, one of the sets gave us not just two members of the the team, but three. Three Minimates in one set? How does that work? Well, it’s kind of iffy…let’s just get to the review of Drax, Groot, and Rocket, shall we?
There were quite a few awesome movies released in the summer of 2014, and, thanks to four of those movies being Marvel movies, Minimates really got in on the coverage. One movie covered was Guardians of the Galaxy. Today, I’ll be looking at the film’s primary hero, Star-Lord, and its primary villain, Ronan.
2018 marked the year that Walgreens’ supply chains got a little gummed up, at least as far as Minimates were concerned. Technically, four waves hit that year, but for a good portion of collectors, those figures didn’t actually arrive for the better part of a year after their first sightings. While the most infamous case of this was certainly Wave 10, the two waves prior also were rather afflicted. Things seem to have more or less equalized by this point, though, so let’s have a look at some of those ‘mates, specifically Symbiote Spider-Man and Hobgoblin!
Today marks the final entry in the reviews of the Captain America: The Winter Soldier Minimates. It’s okay. We can get through this together. I’m a little sad that there aren’t a never ending supply of these figures to review, but I think I’ve saved the best for last here. Today, I’ll be looking at Agent Jasper Sitwell & Batroc.
Since all of his old supporting cast were stuck back in the ’40s, for The Winter Soldier, Cap needed a new back-up team. Fortunately, he got them, in the form of his Avenging pal Black Widow and his new best friend the Falcon, who pair off for today’s set!