This is one of two TRU exclusive sets for the second wave of Iron Man 2 Minimates. The Ground Assault Drone was also released in single packs.
The Figures
Mark VI Iron Man

Tony’s face is well done, not a huge amount of detail but just the right amount with his eyes mouth and goatee thing. The hairpiece is nice, ears line up and everything. There are two helmets with this pack; one regular helmet and one with the facemask up. Both are great pieces, lots of details and the colors are great. I really like the open face mask and it frames his face perfectly. I’m glad they went this route with the two helmets as opposed to the figures from the first Iron Man movie that had the one helmet with the removable face plate (one less small piece to worry about losing). A metallic red and gold are used throughout the figure and it is incredible, probably one of the best colors schemes used in all the minimate figures. Not only is it easily recognizable as Iron Man but the colors really make it stand out against other figures as well.

His torso armor is highly detailed but not too bulky. Unlike the previous Iron Man movie figures this torso piece extends past the torso to cover the crotch area too. The main difference between this and the Mark IV version is the triangle arc reactor instead of the circle one. Underneath there is even more detail on the torso showing the arc reactor and initial layers of his suit on both the front and back.
The arms and legs are sculpted pieces, again showing details of his armor and also with the red and gold metallic colors. There is a pair of red gauntlets and regular flesh colored hands along with red sculpted boots that fit up to almost the knee joint.
MMC Score – 10 out of 10
Ground Assault Drone
The Ground Assault Drones were created by Hammer Industries and modified by Ivan Vanko (Whiplash). They were used to showcase Justin Hammer’s technology at the Stark Expo but also later do battle with Iron Man and War Machine (hmmm, I wonder who wins that fight).
This is one of the several types of drones available in minimate form, this one is configured for (you guessed it) ground warfare. The entire figure is done in a cream color. Unlike most other minimates this one has a new sculpted smaller drone head, great detail and very movie accurate. It has a bit of grey detail on top and in the front.
The torso base and arms is just a blank cream minimate but covering it is one cool chest piece and gauntlets. The torso cover is very detailed with raised neckline, extended shoulder pads and slot in back for the shoulder cannon attachment. The shoulder pads do tend to limit some of the arm articulation, but come on it’s a drone, you don’t expect it to shoot sideways do you? It continues the cream color but there is some color change with the white energy source and grey detail in the front. The shoulder cannon attachment fits right into the slot and the cannon itself is hinged so you can aim it up and down. Love the bit of silver/gold detail in the back. The right hand gauntlet looks like a mini-rotating rocket missile launcher (it doesn’t actually rotate). The left hand gauntlet has an attached top-mounted machine gun, with black detail for the gun and gold for the bullets.
There is a waist cover that again has more sculpted armor on the front and back. The legs are not your traditional minimate legs, the thighs are sculpted pieces showing off some of the rivets and panels for the drone. Completing the figure with the large boots which again are very detailed along with giving this figure more of a wide base, which is a good thing to hold it upright instead of toppling over.
I guess technically the shoulder cannon is its accessory but with all this weapon power it doesn’t really need much else.
In conclusion, this is a really good figure, color scheme is a bit dull, some limit to articulation. But you can’t beat the amount of detail and massive amount of artillery this guy packs.
Review and pictures by Lurch77
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