
Pictures are worth a thousand words … so this post is going to save me some typing :-)  I’ve gathered a few (which is honestly the tip of the iceberg of what’s out there) of the excellent pictures by minimate fans over the years for you to see. Also, in case you missed it, be sure to check out Part 1 of Looking Back: 10 Years of Minimates.

To say that minimate fans are talented is an understatement. There are more incredible customizers out there than you can shake a stick at. Some you may already know like Luke; some are always willing to show what’s on their workbench like Boyd;  and others help show off other’s customs along with some of their own like Bob. If you browse through the Customs subforum you’ll see what gems our community produces. And what’s more, this community comes together each year to do something special and create customs for charity!

There are also quite a few with some comedic talent. My good friend and MMC guest reviewer MINI_MYTE brings the funny with his Tales and Shots From the Minibar. Those crazy guys over there at Crimson Monkey have a weekly strip of Minimate Theatre. On Tuesdays be sure to check out the carnage in the Translucent Tuesday Fight Club (but shhhh, we don’t talk about TTFC). Also check the Crisis on Infinite Minimates subforum for even more fun threads sprinkled throughout.

Now on to photography. I’m an amateur, I know this; I just take my figures outside, hope for good lighting and click a ton of pics hoping that one or two of them will turn out ok; sometimes I get lucky. By now you have seen my review pictures start from the room in our house with the best lighting (which is my daughter’s room; that’s why all the flowery background) to outside on my front steps (weather permitting), one of these days I’ll figure out a good light-box setup. If you want to see alt review pics check out my deviantART page (Luke, Mario and a few other friends have some good pages on there too).  But there are tons of other much better photographers than me. Check out the Photo Index on the forum for links and threads for some of these talented artists.

Before we get to the big show, huge thanks to all the MMMV members for years of fun, fellowship and amazing photos. Especially Geohound, maxcarnage, MINI_MYTE, TM2 Dinobot, groundhog7s, elmeaux, Punisher, winkerbean, youbastards, MMao & Zach from DST for the pictures below.

Now for what you have all come here to see: HARDCORE MINIMATE PHOTOGRAPHY!!


by Lurch77