So what defines a foe? Someone that is diametrically opposed to everything that you do, no matter if it’s good or bad? One that’s constantly giving you a hard time and making your life difficult? By this standard, JJJ is possibly the biggest foe ever of Peter Parker/Spider-Man! So let’s explore the man called … J Jonah Jameson.
He first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #1 in 1963. Not only does JJ torment Peter as his boss at the Daily Bugle but is constantly trying to undermine everything Spider-Man does to tarnish his reputation. He has even gone so far as hiring thugs to defeat and unmask Spider-Man. But true to form Spidey finds a way to save the day and usually rescue JJ from his own mess too. His biggest superpower is the power of press and he later moves up the political ranks to become mayor of New York City.
He has been released in minimate form sorta once in Marvel wave 7 but mainly in Marvel wave 43. The awesome part about the wave 43 figure is he pretty much fits JJ throughout the comic series and even matches well the movie version (Sam Raimi’s trilogy). He comes with spare parts for his coat and vest look; he even has a tie. They also included two great newspaper accessories.
Honestly he is perfect as he is. If they were to release another version I would hope they use the exact same pieces and just give him a different expression. The only other route would be to release a version of him in his Spider Slayer suit.
JJJ is perfect as he is. He would be a welcome addition as a re-release to any Spidey set in the future. Stay tuned for more Spidey Foes and check out Luke’s Toy Store to preorder your Deadly Foes of Spider-Man box set!
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