This promotional set was a huge surprise at the San Diego Comic Convention in July 2006, with no inkling that there was to be a promotional Minimate, let alone our first look at a DC Direct-branded Minimate. You could get this from the summer conventions by speaking the Green Lantern motto at the DC Direct booth, or obviously now looking on eBay. I was originally sent one by TBT, which sadly got lost in the post, however minivenom very kindly sent me this one to review.
The packaging is like a 2″ version of the Kung Faux Break Boy Minimate packaging, where the Minimate isn’t just inside a baggie with a sticker on it, but with a cardboard top showing the details and logos of DC and Art Asylum. This means the baggie itself is slightly smaller than the usual promo baggies and the Minimate fills up the space more.
The Figure
John Stewart Green Lantern
John Stewart isn’t one of the most famous Green Lanterns, but due to his position as one of the core seven on the Justice League cartoon he’s certainly noteworthy, and as Hal Jordan is due in the first wave of DC Minimates, having a promo exclusive of this stature really adds excitement for the line, which is exactly what a promo should do.
First the strange news. Unlike all the recent promo exclusives, John Stewart isn’t constructed from the newer Minimate body. No idea why not, perhaps there wasn’t enough time to create the run with the newer body. Maybe it was a different factory. Who knows. This means that Green Lantern does not have a hole in his head. The expression on his face is great; stern yet warm at the same time. The green eyes really stand out. The buzzcut detailing is well done, and this is one of the few Minimates to get painted-on ears. Also on the back of the head is another detail line to convey the bare skin on the head bunching up slightly. Another nice touch.
The detailing on the torso is simple but shows off the GL symbol adequately and he also has some grey muscle-detailing lines. Presumably one of the reasons John Stewart was chosen is because they could just paint the detail on his costume without needing any extra pieces (capes, belts etc) that traditionally the giveaway promos don’t tend to have. As such, the emerald ring is just painted onto the hand instead of being a raised piece like the Kingpin’s ring.
Just like all the other promo blanks, the John Stewart Green Lantern Minimate has no accessories. The Hal Jordan version will get the GL lantern.
Overall, this is a well done exclusive which works as a great, simple figure and as an exciting teaser for the full DC Minimates line. Roll on 2007!
Review and pictures by Danny Mills
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