

Two of the more glaring character omissions from the first wave of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Minimates were the Turtles’ master Splinter, as well as one of their longtime human companions, Casey Jones.  Fortunately, both characters found their way into the second wave of TMNT Minimates.  Today, I’ll be looking at the latter character.

The Packaging

I don’t have a picture of Casey’s packaging (since I got him loose from Luke’s Toy Store), but Casey, along with the rest of the Wave 2 blind bagged figures, uses the rather generic bag seen on the first wave.  Points for consistency, right?

The Figure

Like all the others in this line, Casey’s based on his appearance in the current Nickelodeon cartoon, which is a bit more divorced from his classic roots than some of the other characters in the new show.  Still, there’s no mistaking him for anyone else, so the spirit of the character’s definitely still there.

CaseyJ5 CaseyJ6 CaseyJ7

Casey features a fair number of sculpted add-ons for his mask/hood, straps/shoulder pad, elbow pads, belt, and his padded gloves. The elbow pads are re-used from the Ghostbusters Minimates line, but aside from that everything’s all-new to Casey. Everything is exquisitely sculpted, with tons of detail work, but not so much as to make him look out of place amongst the other Turtles Minimates. The padded gloves in particular look pretty amazing, with some great texture work on the stitching and padding.


Paintwork is the downfall of most of the Turtles Minimates, but it seems to have turned out a fair bit better for good ol’ Casey here. For the most part, the base color work is pretty cleanly handled. There’s a little bit of bleed over here and there, but nothing too bad. There are even a few areas with purposeful slop, which are very nicely handled and add a nice extra bit of character to the figure. The detail lines are all carefully placed, so as to capture the animated style in as few lines as possible. Under the mask, there’s a full Casey face, which is a little bit goofy looking for my taste, but captures the show look pretty well.


Casey, like a lot of the Turtles Minimates, is no slouch in the accessories department, featuring an extra head, hairpiece, hands, a pulled down hood, two different hockey sticks, a baseball bat, and a clear display stand. The hair and hood allow for unmasked displays of the character, and the extra head gives us the skull-ish face paint he’s sported on the show. The various sports equipment is kinda key to the character, so it’s cool to see here, and well-sculpted to boot.

Casey’s long been one of my favorite parts of the Turtles mythos, so I was happy to see him turn up in the Minimates line. The final figure is a little different from my preferred interpretation of the character, but he’s one of the better figures this line’s had to offer.


MMC Score – 8 out of 10


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Review and pictures by Glantern.

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