Here we have a pack containing the super-soldier Captain America and the villianous Absorbing Man.
Wave 4 was the first “proper” wave to feature the new, box-style Marvel Minimates packaging which now is an enclosed box with pictures of the Minimates in action poses, and Wave 5 continues this.
The Figures
Captain America
The first figure in this set is Captain America, a very iconic and recognisable hero. First off, a word of warning. I’m going to be praising this figure to the skies. Be prepared for some serious superlative use.
The wonder that is Cap begins with the head. The mask is structurally very similar to the one Bullseye wears, and like that Minimate’s mask, it’s very well done with the little white wings on the side, the “A” marked out on the front and the ears being present (although that makes it look weird when it’s removed!). The eyeholes are perfectly aligned, and while wearing the mask his expression is sombre but still slightly amused.
When the helmet is removed, the nicely detailed face of Steve Rogers can be seen. His blue eyes and blonde eyebrows have been painted on superbly, and that expression is now even more determined and heroic. Sadly the figure does not come with an additional hairpiece like the Juggernaut, but that’s because Cap has more accessories.
The paint apps on this figure are incredible. Primarily blue with red and white detailing, Cap’s costume is very detailed whilst still retaining that cartoony look. Everything on this figure is crisp and clear with no paint bleeding, and the white/red blue/white blue/red combos could have looked really bad if done sloppily. Thankfully there’s not a line out of place. Check the detail in the pictures – special mention goes to Cap’s red and white pattern going around his whole torso block, and the black detailing on the upper chest around the white star.
So, he looks great, and is painted and detailed well, what about accessories? Well, Cap has a fantastically executed accessory – his indestructible shield. The paint apps on this are again superb, and it’s implemented cleverly, with the shield itself attaching to the figure via a peg which fits on a plastic loop on the arm. This allows him to hold the shield either in front or behind him, as the loop pivots around the arm. Because it’s removable from the peg, it can also be held in his hands, which, like most of Wave 5, are unique. Cap has big red gloves, which give him yet more of a superhero feel.
Overall, Captain America is the best Minimate out there by miles. He looks exactly like he should, being very close to the source material, his costume and general detailing are executed well, and he has a fun and playable accessory. Giving him 10 doesn’t do him justice, and if I had the time I’d lower everyone else’s MMC scores, because not even Spider-Man or Carnage (my 2 previous favourites) can touch him. If you only get one Minimate, make sure it’s Cap.
MMC Score – 10 out of 10
Absorbing Man
The second figure in the set is the Absorbing Man, who is primarily a Thor or Hulk foe. The great thing about wave 5 is that it’s kept the ratio of one good guy to one bad guy, which didn’t always happen in previous waves. Absorbing Man’s gimmick is that he can absorb the physical properties of anything he touches or that touches him. The figure shows this by being half human and half rock, split right down the middle. His face has a wide, angry snarl on it, and the detail on both the human side and the rock side has been well done. The rock detailing is similar to that seen on the Thing, also in wave 5, and continues down the left side of his body.
The human half of Absorbing Man is barechested, with prison-issue striped trousers. The white and black paint has been applied well, overall the detailing on such an ambitious figure is excellent, and when you look at the figure from each side, it really shows.
Absorbing Man comes with his ball and chain, another prison throwback from when he was first turned into the Absorbing Man. It’s very large, and grey, and is difficult for the figure to hold without toppling over. Still, it’s great to see more weapon accessories in this line – waves 4 and 5 have been excellent in this regard, let’s hope it continues.
Overall, Absorbing Man is an interesting Minimate. It’s great to get another villian, but he’s not as exciting as Cap.
MMC Score – 6 out of 10
Review and pictures by Danny Mills
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