

Wave 8, the final wave of DC Minimates was, for better or worse, as diverse and eclectic as many of the previous waves. We at MMC apologise for having taken so long to have gotten these reviews to you, as these figures are a couple of years old now, but no one could have predicted the Minimate deluge of the last few years. Next up is a pair of Minimates who first appeared in DC’s year-long weekly comic “52”. 


Standard DCD Minimate blister pack featuring a yellow card with a curved blisters. Both figures can be viewed through a window created by a cardboard insert, which this wave is themed by a Minimate-style Sinestro.

The back of the pack follows the same format as previous waves with large pictures of the figures from each two-pack.




The Figures

Modern Batwoman

This isn’t the first Batwoman in the DC universe. Kathy Kane was an irregular supporting character back in the 50’s Batman comics but disappeared and then was written out of DC continuity during Crisis on Infinite Earths. This version of Batwoman is Kate Kane, first introduced in the DC maxi-series 52. She shares a lot of similarities to the original Kathy Kane and there are hints of a family connection which would lead to some appalling continuity problems.

Batwoman’s mask doesn’t cover her whole head and allows a large shock of bright red hair to move freely. This has been well rendered in Minimate form though, the mask and hair are a slip-over piece that sits over a regular Minimate head. It looks great, but the hair is so large and heavy that it tends to overbalance the figure. It also gets in the way of head movement. Like a lot of female Minimates Batwoman has a fairly neutral expression that isn’t helped by the large pupil-less eyes of the mask. At least the Kate Kane face on the head block has eyes, though sadly the same mouth. Disappointingly the extra hair piece that comes bundled with the Minimate for when the mask is removed is a re-use of the Harley Quinn/Hawkgirl hairpiece. Which is a bit rubbish because it looks nothing like Batwoman’s hair – nor does it look all that much like Kathy Kane’s hair (Batwoman’s hair is a wig).

Batwoman’s costume is simple but striking. A black bodysuit accentuated by red boots, belt, gauntlets, red lining on the inner of the cape, and a red bat symbol on her chest. It looks great, especially as it’s topped off by that head of bright red hair. There’s light grey detailing on the shoulders, thighs and torso. On the limbs it’s there to suggest light hitting the costume. On the torso it’s there to define Batwoman’s physique. It’s a tight bodysuit. She has an ‘inny’! Going out on a limb I’d say the gauntlets are a re-use that’s been seen on Bat-Characters ad-nauseam but I believe the belt is a new piece.

Batwoman has no accessories other than the alternate hair piece.

In Conclusion: Surprising choice of character but well executed.

MMC Score – 8 out of 10


Modern The Question

Originally a Charlton Comics character the mysterious detective became a DC property when DC comics bought Charlton out. A cult favourite character, the original Question was killed off in the DC maxi-series 52 and replaced by disgraced Gotham City Cop and close friend Renee Montoya.

The original Question didn’t wear a costume so much as an outfit. He’d wear regular non-de-script clothes that let him fade into the crowd, but when he needed to go into action he’d hide his features with an artificial skin called pseudoderm. The current Renee Montoya Question has adopted the same methods of infiltration and disguise.

The default look for this Minimate is the disguised version of the Question and so we’re presented with hat and hair, but no features. The hat/hair is a great looking piece, the hat looks suitably beaten up, and the hair is a good representation of Montoya’s. If I have one complaint, it’s that once again DCD have opted to have a hunk of hair falling down across the face of the ‘mate. Not a problem with the blank face of the Question, but turn the head around and you have the face of Renee Montoya, which looks great except for that piece of hair which can occlude said features. It’s good to see that for once a female Minimate has a trace of a hint of an expression on her face. There’s a certain set to the eyes and mouth that make me think I’m looking at a hard-ass woman rather than the usual neutral look to most female ‘mates.

The rest of the Minimate is fairly run-of-the-mill. A long coat over shirt and tie and plain trousers. The shirt’s worth mentioning as the way it’s been decorated leaves you in no doubt as to which version of the Question you’re looking at! This is definitely a lady, but I like that it’s not overly gratuitous. The hint of definition is there, nothing more. The printing is simple but works very well. I’m surprised that DCD opted to give the Question a separate belt piece as it makes the Minimate thicker at the waist. Fine for male characters, not so good for the ladies.

The Question has no accessories.

In Conclusion: Another surprising choice, but again well thought through.

MMC Score – 7 out of 10


Review and pictures by Rad Kerrigan

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