
Hey, it’s everyone’s favorite SHIELD Agent, Phil Coulson, Thor’s astrophysicist girlfriend, Jane Foster, and a generic Frost Giant. Yay!

The Packaging

I don’t have any shots of these guys packaged, so you’ll have to head over to Minimate Database for those.  They both use the usual Marvel set-up, with the specific Thor-themed graphics and everything.  It’s a little bland, but it’s easy to spot what assortment they’re from, and they’re showcased well-enough.

The Figures

Agent Coulson

Coulson played a key role in the first Thor, so his debut as part of this assortment made sense. This figure depicts him back before we know him as Phil. His first name was still Agent!

Coulson features sculpted hair and jacket add-ons. Both of these pieces are re-use, but they work, so no complaints there.  What I do have an issue with is the plastic quality.  All of the Thor ‘mates were produced using a lower quality plastic than other ‘mates, and Coulson wasn’t an exception.  The details on the add-ons are soft, and the plastic is just rather rubbery.

The paint work is pretty basic, with detailing only on his face, torso and pelvis. All of it is applied pretty cleanly, but the lower quality plastic absorbed the paint a bit weirdly, so the details  on the face are duller than usual. Also the jacket is molded in a slightly different color than the rest of his body, which is quite distracting.

Coulson included a handgun, and a megaphone, both of which he can easily hold. I think the megaphone in particular is quite cool.

This is one of two Coulsons out there, which certainly adds to his appeal, but sadly the quality of this particular ‘mate prevents him as being as good as he could be.

MMC Score – 5 out of 10

Frost Giant

The Frost Giants provided some neat generic foes for Thor to face off against in his first screen adventure, and the Minimates provided them for about the same purpose.

Sadly, they aren’t really all that giant, being built on the standard Minimate body, with no real extensions. The Frost Giant seems to be an amalgamation of several of the Frost Giants we see over the course of the movie, which works pretty well. The figure features four sculpted add-ons: Helmet, two wrist guards, and a bulked up torso piece with a built in shoulder pad and belt/loincloth thing. All of these are new to the figure, and they look pretty nice.

The Frost Giant features some pretty cool painted detail work, with lots of scarring and a really nasty, angry face. They’ve also added a white frosting to all of his armor, giving him the proper icy look. It’s a great touch.

The Frost Giant included no accessories, which is a shame, but I suppose he does have a decent selection of sculpted parts to make up for it.

I actually do kind of like the Frost Giant, despite his diminutive stature.  He’s less impacted by the plastic quality issues, and is overall a pretty decent ‘mate.

MMC Score – 7 out of 10

Jane Foster

Jane Foster is a very pivotal character in the film, being a large part of Thor’s character development and all. That being the case, I was a bit surprised that Diamond chose to release her as the one per case variant instead of Coulson, who was comparatively more minor. Jane had a few looks in the movie, but I believe this one’s meant to be based on her look when Thor first appears at the beginning.

Jane features hair and lower jacket add-ons. I know the waist piece is a re-use, but I do believe this was the first use of this particular hair. They’re both perfectly fine pieces, if not the most exciting. Like Coulson, the plastic here is very soft, and this is reflected in the mold quality of the add-ons.  Also, her feet also fall off a lot, another symptom of the lower quality plastic.

The paint work on Jane is passable, though there are a few fuzzy lines, especially around her boots. Also, the detail lines are still rather dull and not as sharp as other ‘mates. 

Jane included no accessories, which was a bit of a let-down, especially given how few add-ons she had.

Despite this being the only standard Jane Foster Minimate out there, there’s not really much going for this particular figure.  She’s rather generic and her lower quality construction really holds her back.

MMC Score – 4 out of 10

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Review and pictures by Glantern.

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