Welcome to Minimates Central, a website dedicated to the Minimate toys created by Art Asylum and Diamond Select Toys.
Minimates Central was founded by Danny on September 21st, 2003 as the first dedicated Minimate review site. Over the past 8 years, Danny and other contributors have posted hundreds of Minimate reviews spanning all of the various licenses and releases. Danny recently handed over the reigns of Minimates Central to Luke Porter, who is proud to continue running this site and working with the review team to add great new content and features.
Use the categories in the right menu to navigate through the reviews from all of the various minimate licenses.
Current Contributors
Luke314pi (a.k.a. Luke Porter)
Luke is an avid comic book fan, graphic designer, movie buff, blogger, cook, gamer, and father of two boys. Luke has also been making custom action figures for over 10 years now. He is the owner of the Minimate Factory, a blog dedicated to customizing minimates, and Luke’s Toy Store, a family-run online store carrying Minimates, accessories, and customizing supplies.
Lurch77 (a.k.a. Bryan)
Longtime lists master on the minimate forums and fellow minimate enthusiast, Lurch resides in the southeast US where he is constantly on the hunt for newly released minimates, the best tasting Key Lime Pie and the meaning of life.
Bigvis497 (a.k.a. James)
Residing in the frozen wasteland of Central New York, James spends the two weeks of summer he gets a year distance running. An avid Marvel Comics afficiando since age 10, James’s other hobbies include rotting his brain on pro wrestling and scouring the globe for the finest Belgian ales. A follower of all things obscure and an OHOTMU faithful, James will not rest until Rintrah and NFL SuperPro get Minimatized.
Glantern (a.k.a. Ethan)
Glantern has been a Minimate fan since Marvel Minimates began. He’s been an action figure fan since his fine motor skills were good enough that he could hold a figure. He also runs his own review site, The Figure in Question, where he reviews one piece of his collection every day. Because he’s insane.
Smashmaster12 is a Minimate aficionado with access to a camera. A collector since 2008, Smashmaster12 tackles on Minimates with an iron will to satisfy the greatest of toy hungers. Alongside an Emmy-nominated (not really) Youtube channel, Smashmaster12 brings now brings reviews directly to you! Also enjoys long walks on the beach and way too many video games.
Classic Contributors
A lifelong interest in superheroes and toys/collectables led to Danny ordering the first ever wave of Marvel Minimates in the summer of 2003. From there followed the descent into Minimate madness and the creation of Marvel Minimates Central a couple of months later. Danny’s favourite Minimates are the first Captain America and Santa Spidey.
Rad Kerrigan
Rad caught the minimate bug on a visit to NYC in 2004. He lives in England, where he enjoys watching Doctor Who, swearing at idiots, and being a grump.
A diehard minimate aficionado since the movement began. Customizer extraordinaire. Current writer and photographer of the wickedly awesome Tales From The Minibar web comic. Nice guy? Yes. Modest? Not a chance.
karamazov80 lives in the southern US, has a man-crush on Bernard Sumner, and spends most of his free time training his daughter not to drink from the dog’s water bowl.
When Lobsterman isn’t fighting krill-pirates or the evil Salt Banshees of the Sargasso Sea, he enjoys collecting Minimates and reading a good book with his pet wondersquid curled up at his feet.