Here are several promotional items given out in 2008 and 2010 at the San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC). All four colors (blue, orange, green & red) were available in 2008 but only the blue was available in 2010.
Similar to the past Minimates given away at comic conventions, the blanks are packaged in a small baggie. Again the printed text is on a sticker attached to the baggie showing the Minimates Logo along with the convention logo and the Art Asylum logo. The 2008 sticker has the Diamond Select Toys logo while the 2010 sticker has the Minimates.com logo instead.
The Figures
Translucent Orange
We’ve seen translucent figures before but not generic translucent blanks and these definitely don’t disappoint.
There’s not much too these guys just the basic minimate parts done in clear plastic and tinted with different colors. This one is tinted with orange. What is really nice about translucent figures is the ability to see all the joints, pegs and how they all fit together. I especially like how the headpiece shows the hollowed out inside. There are no accessories for any of the figures just the minimates themselves.
All in all this is a really cool figure and for customizers they are a great base for customs not possible with regular opaque minimate parts.
Same as the previous figure, done in clear plastic and tinted with different colors. This one is tinted green. The color is very close to that of the TRU Wave 7 Hulk perhaps just a bit darker.
Another really cool figure and great custom fodder. I’m sure lots of radioactive characters are just waiting to be made from these.
MMC Score – Groovy Green
Translucent Red
Same as the previous figure, done in clear plastic and tinted with different colors. This one is tinted red. This red is closer to a dark apple red; I can’t recall a figure that’s been released close to this color.
Again a great blank to add to your collection and excellent for customs.
MMC Score – Radical Red
Translucent Blue
Same process as the rest, done in clear plastic and tinted with different colors. This one is tinted a bright ocean blue. Out of all of the translucent colors this one stands out the most to me, it appears to be the brightest of the bunch.
Just like the rest, an outstanding figure. Also another good figure for customs (add a few lines or decals and instant Dr. Manhattan).
Review and pictures by Lurch77
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